| MOROCCO | MUTANDIS | Closing of the sale of CMB Plastique to Dislog Group
In a press release, Mutandis Group announces the closing of the sale of the subsidiary CMB Plastique to Dislog Group. This concerns a total amount of MAD 330 Mn and comes into effect on January 1st 2024.
Note that the proceeds from this sale will be entirely allocated to reducing Mutandis' debt. The transaction will not have a signifi-cant impact on the Group's current net income, due to the resulting savings in financial costs. A non-current capital gain will be recognized in the net income for the FY 2024.


| BURKINA FASO | GDP | A growth rate of 3.5% in Q4 2023
According to the National Institute of Statistics and Demography (INSD), the growth rate of Burkina Faso's economy stands at 3.5% in Q4 2023 year-on-year. This results from the good performance of the secondary (+5.6%) and tertiary (+5.9%) sectors against a decline of 2.5% in the primary sector during the same period.


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